Synthesis of the history
of the Primavera Community
Our Primavera Community is risen to Cagliari in 1977 like group of prayer to the inside of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

Been born in the spiritual context of the Renewal, the Primavera Community is constituted from persons of various age and social condition.
In order better to address the way of the Community, we take advantage ourselves of Spiritual Councilman and the Service's Pastoral, constituted from the founding brothers of the Community.
The way of the Principal Community them scan from the Encounter of Prayer weekly, to which they participate assiduously approximately 150 brothers and sisters.
Promoting us periodic Seminaries of Life in the Holy Spirit for the increase and the maturation of the faith and the course for Regional Leaders of the Song.

Since our spirituality is that one of Catholic Charismatic Renewal (C.C.R.), joins to the various promoted initiatives from the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (I.C.C.R.S.) and from the Charismatic Truths (Italian and foreign), participating to Meetings, Biblical Course, Catechesis et cetera.
We carry out our Apostolate and the Evangelization through 3-4 Conventions Regional anniversaries to which participate beyond 2000 brothers and sisters, are adherent to our expression, are all those who are to the search of God. The Conventions have often had like Speakers famous Preacher like Fr. Daniel Ange, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, Fr. Robert Faricy, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, Fr. Elias Vella and various others.
The Community is in full Communion with the Catholic Church and It's Pastors. In January 1993, the Archbishop of Cagliari has approved of the Charter the Regulations and recognized our present and operating Charismatic Community in the Archdiocese of Cagliari. Subsequently, in January 2001, the Primavera Community has obtained the acknowledgment and the approval definitive.
From 1994 the Community has increased itself and is composed from others 21 groups dislocates to you in several zones of the Sardinia that, periodically, they are met for a way of common increase.
During these 25 years of way the life conversions have been numerous and, for grace of God, they are not lacks you the cases special ordination to the Lord.

In the Community we have Acolytes and other brothers that have undertaken the Deacon's Ministry, some members of the Community are engage to you in the associate-political truth, some practice the juvenile and in hospital voluntary service; various sisters are catechists in the own parishes; others dedicate just the free time to service of the poor near the Nuns Missionaries of the Charity of Mother Teresa of Calcutta; other brothers and sisters have completed the Theological studies achieving the Bachelor's degree.
An other special gift for the Community and the entire Church has been the institution of the Diocese Court, constituted the 18 August 2003 for the Diocese Inquiry on the heroic virtues of Simona Tronci, co-founder of the Primavera Community - for deepenings visits the page on the Opening of the Process (only in italian).
The Community has received esteem and acknowledgment from part of various Clergymen, but also appreciations from several Bishops of the Sardinian Dioceses, of the Peninsula or foreign countries, which as an example Paolo Carta, Emeritus Bishop of Sassari; Pier Giuliano Tiddia, Archbishop of Oristano; Tarcisio Pillolla, Bishop of Iglesias; Luigi Accogli, Apostolic Nuncio; Michel Santier, French Bishop; Gianni Spiga, Vicar General of Diocese of Cagliari; Ottorino Pietro Alberti, Emeritus Bishop of Cagliari and puts into effect it them Archbishop of Cagliari, Giuseppe Mani.
The Community is in optimal relationships with the other several Italian Charismatic Truths and Ecclesial Movements, with which it has undertaken a deep way of Communion.
In the inner pages (only in italian) are introduces you the Education and Evangelization Conventions, the carried out catechesis, some testimonies of conversion and special ordination to the Lord, the activities of the Service's Pastoral, the events of Communion with other Ecclesial Truths, the Ecumenical Encounter and the Education Seminaries.